PhotoPlace Gallery
The image above, Rocky Mountain National Park, 2017, was accepted to the “Landscapes” show at the PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont, starting August 20, 2020. It's part of my Earthworks series. Ann Jastrab, executive director at the Center for Photographic Art in Carmel, California, was juror.
Solarium, 2018
Davis Orton Gallery
Davis Orton Gallery (Hudson, NY) will include Solarium, 2018 in its 6th Annual Group Show, juried by Paula Tognarelli, executive director and curator of the Griffin Museum. This photo is part of my “Floating World” project, where I’ve been photographing on cruise ships for more than four years. The online exhibit (due to their COVID-19 closure) runs August 1-10, 2020.
Texas Photographic Society
Yellow Slide, 2019
Another photo from “Floating World,”Yellow Slide, 2019, was selected for the Texas Photographic Society’s 33rd Annual Members' Show, juried by photographer Bill Wright. The show will hang at the Center for Contemporary Arts in Abilene, TX from September 17 to November 14, 2020.